DSM Exhibits at Southern Arizona Expo

 In DSM Blog

In October, our DSM office in Arizona exhibited at the 11th annual Southern Arizona Tech + Business Expo! Hosted by the Arizona Technology Council, this event took place at the Tucson Convention Center and showcased innovative technologies from local companies.

Our General Manager, John, and Program Manager, Teresa, hosted our booth this year. The exhibit hall featured over 60 companies from across the state, and over 400 attendees overall. We were also pleased to have met inspiring students in automation and robotics programs from the University of Arizona and Pima Community College.

The event included a keynote fireside chat, innovator presentations, and an awards ceremony. The fireside chat featured a panel discussion on harnessing the power of AI while safeguarding proprietary data and ensuring privacy compliance. Following this, we heard from several Arizona companies leading in innovation.

It was a memorable experience for our team in Arizona, and we look forward to participating again!

DSM Arizona exhibiting at expo.



Dynamic Source Manufacturing Inc. (DSM) is an Electronics Manufacturing Services company, supporting global businesses by bringing their products to market effectively and efficiently for more than 20 years. With manufacturing facilities in Canada and the USA, our customers count on us to bring their products to market quickly, efficiently, and with peace of mind, collaborating with you on the entire production cycle.

Our success has been built on trust, integrity, and delivering our customers’ unique innovative requirements. We are dedicated to serving diverse industries such as automotive, communications, energy, and security & defence. Our full suite of services include quickturn-prototyping, volume manufacturing, testing, component sourcing, and box build assembly.

Along with our ISO 9001:2015 certification, we are certified through Canada’s Controlled Goods Program and the USA’s International Traffic in Arms Regulations. We are proud to be committed to our Lean philosophy and our organizational excellence program, holding ourselves to a high standard of continuous improvement to provide you with an exceptional customer experience.

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